Sunday, August 22, 2021

Prospects of Ecotourism in CHAUBAS, KAVRE, Bagmati Province, Nepal (Thesis of MTS)



Ecotourism is an ecological activity of seeing, watching, studying, admiring nature, flora, and fauna, socio-cultural local ethnic, take responsibility for the preservation of the surrounding environment by involving local residents. Chaubas Kavre is located in Bagmati Province. Chaubas is a new emerging ecotourism destination characterized by natural beauty, scenic attraction, and socio-cultural diversity. The main attraction of this place is a favorable climate, pine forest, agro-forest, and various types of green forest, natural environment, flora and fauna, house of villages as well as panoramic views of the Himalayan range of Mahalangur in the east to Manaslu Himal in the west, Tamang, Pahari culture, Mulkhark Bhiimsenthan, Gadhidanda. Ecotourism is not yet the economic backbone of this area. But this area has potential in that direction. This study aimed to analyze the prospect of some natural ecotourism in Chaubas, Kavre. Following are the specific objectives that the research will be focused on:

ü  To know about the present state of the tourism in Chaubas, Kavre,

ü  To examine the requisites for ecotourism in consideration to the study area, and

ü  To advise applicable measures for community based ecotourism development in the study area.

Using the survey method, the respondents were selected through a random sampling and purposive sampling was done to collect data from tourists, local people, and concerned stakeholders found around Chaubas, Kavre. The logic behind using random sampling for the study was to get a better result. The sample size of this study was 20 domestic tourists and none found foreign tourists when field surveys, 10 concern stakeholders (6 teahouse /homestay and local business person, 4 travel and tour operator from Chaubas village who are operated tourism business in Kathmandu valley), and 20 local people of Chaubas village. Altogether 50 respondents have answered this survey. The data obtained was associated with the concept of 4A (attraction, accessibility, accommodation, and amenity/ancillary service).

This study is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction, second literature review, the third research methodology, fourth present state setting of the study area, fifth ecotourism requisites of the study area, sixth the applicable measures for CBET in the study area, seventh with presentation and analysis of data, and the eighth with summary of major findings, conclusion, and recommendations respectively.

Chapter one: This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, the objective of the study, hypothesis, conceptual framework, significance of the study, the limitations of the study.

Chapter two: The second chapter includes a literature review. Here different national and international literature on the prospects of ecotourism is reviewed. This chapter shows the research gap on the proposed topic on the basis of reviewed literature.

Chapter three: This chapter shows the research methodology of the study. It describes how research has been conducted on the field and rationale of the selection of the study area, research design, nature and source of data, sampling, and sample size, data collection techniques, and tools, reliability and validity of data, data analysis and interpretation are described.

Chapter four: This chapter presents the general information of the study area, tourism resources of the study area and ecotourism after COVID-19 in the study area are described.

Chapter five: It shows the ecotourism requisites of the study area. It has described like flora and fauna of Chaubas, socio-culture biodiversity, environment issues, ecotourism by involving the local people and SWOT analysis of Chaubas Kavre.

Chapter six: This chapter shows the applicable measures of CBET in the study area. It includes community-based ecotourism, applicable measures, collaborative approach, intervention/ strategies of CBET, prospective of ecotourism product, potentials tour packages, and ecotourism marketing.

Chapter seven: The seventh chapter is about analyzing models and data presentation of prospects of ecotourism in Chaubas Kavre.

Chapter eight: The final chapter ends with a summary of major findings, conclusion, recommendation and some aspects of future research.